Monday, June 28, 2010

The Arrival of Baby Liam

I may have unpacked from our Sardinia vacation but the suitcases were never put away. As soon as the laundry was finished from that trip, it was time to start packing again. USA – here I come.

My Mom and Riley picked me up on Friday, June 11th. There was about a 35 degree difference from when I got on the plane in Frankfurt and when I stepped off the plane in Dallas. I must say that I don’t miss that heat and humidity one bit. Therefore, our first stop was Sonic. It was happy hour after all and I was parched. Once my thirst had been quenched, we took the scenic route through Roanoke and Keller to my Mom and Riley’s new house. It’s a perfect haven for grandchildren, future grandchildren, and in my case, a granddog.

My Mom and I spent the next few days on Baby Alert as Liam was expected to arrive any day. We filled our time with shopping. Surprised? I didn’t think so. I had a lovely lunch with my dear friend Kasey and also enjoyed some time with my Grandparents in Bridgeport. Wednesday morning I received “The Call” from Hailey. Baby Liam would make his debut on Thursday. This of course meant I had about 30 seconds to stop crying from excitement and go throw some clothes in a bag to take to Tulsa.

We arrived in Tulsa with enough time to take the soon-to-be-mommy out for a pedicure. We figured she wouldn’t have much time for things like that after the following day so better get it in now.

The first time I'd ever felt her belly

The whole group of us (Mom, Dad, Hailey, Cody, Cody’s pop, sister, nephew, and me) had dinner at On the Border that evening. We spent the whole night telling funny stories of things we all did as kids. Cody also chimed in with a few great stories about Hailey’s pregnancy. I think my favorite was when she had heartburn for the first time and she told Cody she had fire burps.

Thursday was the big day. Hailey was induced at 5:30 am and then we played the waiting game.

By 2:30 pm I was starving so Dad and I set out in search of food. Of course the minute we left, we got a call that we’d better hurry up, it was time. We rushed back…..only to wait some more. And this time we were stuck in the actual waiting room with no one giving us updates. That didn’t work for me so I snuck back to her room and stood outside the door hoping no one would tell me to leave. The rest of the group joined me a few minutes later. We stood there for 45 minutes listening to the nurse count to ten. But then I heard it, the most precious sound ever. A cry. The most wonderful cry.

And just like that, he was here. And he was perfect.

Everybody, meet my nephew Liam.

Hailey did amazing. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way she pulled a muscle in her neck (which she’ll tell you was more painful than the actual delivery) making it difficult to look at her new baby. So she spent few more days in the hospital but soon it was time for the new family to head home.

I don't think that is how it's supposed to be used

Abby meeting her new brother

Talk about the perfect Father’s Day gift.

Lots and lots of lovin'.

Sunday evening, I went back to OKC with my Dad and Carmen for a barbecue at my in-laws house. After a week apart, I was a little excited to see my husband. But his family hadn’t seen him in over a year so I guess you could say they were a little excited, too. We enjoyed time with his parents, grandparents, sister, aunt and cousins. And to “top” off the evening, Brad and I were finally able to eat our wedding cake topper that his mom had saved for us. It was shockingly good and brought back great memories. Brad, again, dropped cake down/on my dress….just like on our wedding day.

The following day we visited my mother-in-law’s store, Leisure Time RV, and took a tour of the new building and a few of the new RVs. No wonder Brad doesn’t like sleeping in a tent when we go camping. He’s been spoiled. We met our newly married friends, Chris and Aelayna, for lunch then spent the afternoon shopping. My grandmother arrived late that afternoon, just in time to have dinner with me, Dad, Brad and his family. We went to Mama Rojas on Lake Hefner. FINALLY! My Mexican food craving had been curbed.

Tuesday, Brad and I drove to Tulsa so he could meet his new nephew. When we arrived in Tulsa, I was quickly reminded how much I rely on Karen, our GPS. We managed to get lost for a good half hour before figuring out where we were. But it was worth the wait. Liam was even cuter than he was two days before. Check out Uncle Brad.

It also happened to be my birthday. We celebrated with a little birthday cake……and I personally celebrated by wearing my new cowboy boots that my Mom and Riley gave me. Perfection.

But the day was cut short since Mom and I had to head back to the Big D to start getting ready for Micah’s Bridal Luncheon that was on Thursday. That’s right, my best friend’s wedding was a week after my nephew’s birth…talk about perfect timing.

But that story will have to wait until next time. Until then, I leave you with this...

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