Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

We had our first snow of the season and nobody is more excited than Stella...and maybe me.

It started Friday morning and by Friday afternoon, it was really coming down. As soon as Brad came home from work, we bundled up, grabbed the camera and took Stella out for her first experience in the snow.

She loved it! We'd make snowballs for her to chase down the sidewalk and as soon as she'd catch them she'd stomp it then eat the rest.

As soon as she was tired, we jumped in the car to head to the store around the corner. It was predicted we'd have snow all weekend and we weren't about to be stuck in the house for several days without wine and cheese (which is what we ate for dinner that first night). Don't worry, I also made a homemade lasagna that we ate on all weekend to keep us warm and happy.

It didn't snow anymore on Saturday but there was still plenty of snow on the ground to go play in.

Again, she wore herself out.

We ventured into town that afternoon, and by "ventured" I mean we walked down the street a couple of blocks. We finished up our last minute Christmas shopping and enjoyed some gluhwein along the way. The high was only 20 degrees and before we knew it, our faces were frozen. Couldn't help but think of Mr. Griswold himself.

"The most enjoying traditions of the season are best enjoyed in the warm embrace of kith and kin. Thith tree is a thymbol of the thpirit of the Griswold family Chrithmath."

Tomorrow should be even more fun as it has not stopped snowing all day today! You'd think I was 6 years old; always a kid at heart! I can tell you one thing, this girl is definitely dreaming of a white Christmas.

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