Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prosit Neujahr! Happy New Year!

It’s been one crazy month and it’s time to fill you in on all of our adventures. So we’ll back it up by a month and start from there.

Christmas for the two of us was hardly over on the 25th. My S.I.L., Stephanie, arrived bright an early on the 26th and by some miracle of God she actually arrived early. She weathered some serious ice and snow getting to the airport in OKC, flew to Cincinnati, then to Paris, then to Frankfurt. Have I told you how excited I am that DFW has a direct flight? I’m just sayin’.

We spent one day at Ramstein AFB. I know what you are thinking – “who wants to come to Germany to go see an Air Force Base?” But it was the perfect opportunity to see what her big bro is talking about when he discusses what it is that he does, exactly. Plus it’s a nice drive and with the weather being absolutely disgusting, we didn’t really want to go sightseeing that day anyway.

But we sucked it up the following day and trudged through the rain and cold and wind because Stephanie was NOT leaving here without seeing a castle. What better place to see a castle than good ol’ Heidelberg? And despite the weather, we actually had a lot of fun. I’m sure we were quite entertaining to watch. “Here, you hold the umbrella and I’ll take the picture. Watch out for that puddle! Ahh! The umbrella flipped inside out again!”

The minute we got to the bottom of the hill we went in search of hot chocolate. The good hot chocolate. The kind where they steam the milk, you pick out which flavor you want then drop the little bar in watching it melt into pure deliciousness. Mmmmmm.

With New Year’s Eve only a couple of days away, Stephanie and I were on a mission to find something fun to wear. I know Brad was thrilled. So we made a day of it and did both sightseeing and shopping in Frankfurt. While we were both unsuccessful on the shopping front, we had a blast walking around town all bundled up.

The following day was my darling husband’s 26th birthday. Stephanie and I made him his favorite meal – Eggplant Parmesan, which worked out great since Stephanie is a vegetarian. Then we topped it all off with a Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake. Whew! I’m full just thinking about it. But it sure was tasty!

Before we knew it, it was New Year’s Eve. Some friends of ours invited us to their party that night which we were really looking forward to. I figured it would be a great view as they live right on the Rhine River but I had no idea what we were in store for. Our friend’s condo was on the 7th floor of their building which gave us the perfect view of downtown Mainz across the river. Just before midnight, the show started….and my jaw hit the floor. For as far as the eye could see left and right, people were setting off HUGE fireworks nonstop. Miles of fireworks right along the river that last a solid 45 minutes! It was incredible!! What a way to bring in the New Year!

We were pretty worthless on New Year’s Day as we didn’t get home until about 5:00 am. Note to self: book your taxi early on New Year’s Eve. So we watched a few movies and munched on leftover birthday cake.

Stephanie left the next morning on her trek back across the pond. Brad and I spent the day getting ready for the weeks about to come. Laundry, cleaning, all of that fun stuff. Then came the hard part, dropping Miss Stella off at the kennel. She just about broke both of our hearts; she was devastated and I’ve never heard her cry like that. It was like she knew we were going to be leaving her for THREE whole weeks. My poor baby.

And as soon as I recovered from that traumatic experience, it was time to say goodbye to my husband for 3 weeks. That’s right, t-h-r-e-e weeks. He left early the following morning to catch his plane to Kuwait and that was that.

But it’s not all sad. I flew out the next morning and arrived Oklahoma City for a week full a family, fun, food, and most of all…..Hailey’s big day!

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