Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wedding Bells

I remember waking up the morning of my wedding. I wrapped up in one of the Four Seasons big, fluffy white robes and sat on the patio overlooking the golf course. Just me. It was the most perfect start to one of the biggest days in my life. I was relaxed and calm the whole rest of the day. The morning spent in the spa with my girls probably didn't hurt either.

Good memories.

Well they don’t call it a “B&B” for nothing; if we just slept there it would only be a “B&” and that’s just silly. So promptly at 9 am (because we all know I’m never late especially when breakfast is involved) the bride and her bridesmaids enjoyed a lovely meal that kicked off the day right.

Micah had gotten a little apprehensive about the alter that was set during rehearsal. If they didn’t add a couple of steps at the front, we would be attempting to step up on to a platform that was a good two feet off the ground. This was sure to end in disaster as the three of us would be wearing shoes we could barely walk in under normal circumstances. So off the bride went to fix the situation.

Meanwhile, Amy and I lounged around watching America’s Funniest Home Videos. Now I don’t want to steer away from Micah’s big day as this was all about her BUT it turned out to be a big day for Miss Amy, too. Midway through a fantastic musical montage of people falling off trampolines, Amy disappeared for several minutes. When she returned there were several loud squeals immediately followed by the happy dance. She’d had an interview in Dallas earlier in the week and the company had just called to give her an offer. Talk about excitement!!! Waaaahoooo for Amy!! Good bye Stillwater, Oklahoma and a big HELLO Big D!

Ok, back to the bride. Hair and makeup was scheduled for 1:00 pm. Again, Micah spoiled us and booked our appointments at this fancy salon that gives you hand/arm massages while you get your hair done. Oooh la la. The three of us walked out of there looking like a million bucks.

Then it was time to get the bride in her gown. It had started to sprinkle so we opted to move things to The Cotton Mill (the venue for the wedding). The place looked amazing. Tulle and lights hanging from the rafters, white chairs all in a row, candles lit…it was perfect. Simple yet beautiful.

The bride and groom met for a bit before everyone arrived to have some time just the two of them before the official wedding chaos ensued. All of the formal pictures with family, wedding party, etc. were taken prior to the ceremony which worked out perfectly. And then we waited patiently for our cue that it was time.

The ceremony was short and sweet and then it was time to party. Actually, first it was time to eat (I was famished and I’m pretty sure everyone around me all day was aware of this), then I was time to kick off my awesome shoes that lasted all of twenty minutes on my feet, THEN it was time to party!

Side story with a cheap plug: So the lady with the cake never showed up. I’ll pause while you pick your jaw up off the floor.


Phone messages went unanswered. No one could get in touch with her. And the bride and groom were left without cake to shove in each others faces. Not on my watch! Brad and Amy’s beau, Kevin, bolted to the nearest grocery store and picked up a sheet cake and a little chocolate “grooms” cake. But it doesn’t stop there! The greatest DJ ever, Glenn Roush, called a friend who just happened to be a cake designer and who also just happened to live about five minutes away. She was able to get a gorgeous dummy cake delivered in no time. And all was right with the world again.

So two things: (1) Call all vendors a day or two before the wedding to confirm everything is a go (let’s not forget the videographer no-showed at Hailey’s wedding). (2) If you are getting married or have some other event in the Dallas area, you absolutely have to use Glenn! Hands down, best DJ ever…and I’m not just saying that because he was my DJ, too.

The cake was cut, the bride and groom were toasted and we danced the rest of the night away before seeing the happy couple off to their honeymoon.

I’m going to skip the whole wedding clean up part and the hour long drive back to Keller at 2 in the morning because it’s exhausting just thinking about it. Flash forward about 12 hours and Brad and I were on a plane back to Germany. Back to our pup and back to work. But for Micah and Aaron, I hope you’re enjoying every minute of your honeymoon in Jamaica!! Love you both!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE our dancing jam pic! we are so cute! i for sure want a copy of that one - framer!
